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Become an IACA Certified Course Provider.

We believe everyone has a right to quality career information. Having your course certified makes it easier for career advisors to determine which courses consistently deliver superior information. By making the process easier we let career advisors get back to doing what they really love – supporting their clients through the career advising process.

Increase your impact.

Quality courses inspire career advisors. Inspired advisors are better equipped to help students and adults make smart career choices and find satisfying careers.

Advance the community.

Sharing your insights on career advising by certifying your course helps to improve the quality of career advising services worldwide.

Increase your reach. 

Effective courses need to be promoted. If your course gains certification, it will be promoted on the IACA website and will reach a larger targeted audience.

Ready to certify your career advising course?

Contact us to learn more about the IACA course certification process; including core competency requirements, submission guidelines, and cost.

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